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.Monday, September 22, 2008 ' 7:04 AM Y
~◘••◘ .and i Can eNDorSe AnyThinG ThrOuGH Me. ◘••◘~


We sent our brochure to the english teacher but however, i've forgotton to take pictures of it so currently till we get our brochure back, we don't have any pictures to post about the brochure. I shall give a description on the brochure for now.

We used recycled paper to make the brochure. example: colour paper that was used to do the art project that is not needed anymore. It also consist of drawings. We decided to handwrite it out in order to design it instead of relying on the method of printing it out and making it look more square. The drawings shows objects that involves of reducing the negative impact of the environment, example: a energy saving bulb. the brochure is three fold, opening it out from the front and not like the usual brochure we see ( fold in a zig-zag manner). we decided it to be folded open because we wanted it to be different and special. On the cover is a hand made picture of the earth. The earth is in a heart shape but there's a crack in the middle. this shows that earth is dying. On one side of the heart, is gray and has factories giving out thick smoke. on the other side shows a healthier earth with trees. The brochure is pale green in colour to represent the plants on earth and remind us that plants are important.inside the brochure is a short briefing of the information. we decided not to put alot of information as people might get bored and tired from reading a long brochure.

. ' 6:57 AM Y
~◘••◘ .and i Can eNDorSe AnyThinG ThrOuGH Me. ◘••◘~

Found this video at youtube. It shows and tells the negative impact on the environment. We chose to post it because it seemed to be similar to our task.


.Tuesday, September 16, 2008 ' 1:24 AM Y
~◘••◘ .and i Can eNDorSe AnyThinG ThrOuGH Me. ◘••◘~


GTower is a SGD$200+ million 30-storey office-retail-hotel development being built on 199, Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur. It is slated to be officially opened only in 2009. More interestingly, it is the first building in Malaysia to achieve the globally recognised BCA green Mark GOLD award (Provisional) from our very own Building & Construction Authority.

As a group,when we started reading this.The feature that impresses us most is the ventilation system that channels more oxygen into different parts of the building when the level of carbon dioxide in the air rise.As the air will be fresher as carbon dioxide traps heat and that is basically the cause of global warming,so with more oxygen,the place will be fresher and cooler.Cool air also saves energy as we do not have to on too much fan and air con to help cool down the environment.So that is why our group decided that is the best part of the GTower.


. ' 1:16 AM Y
~◘••◘ .and i Can eNDorSe AnyThinG ThrOuGH Me. ◘••◘~

reSackel BAGS

We got together on a group on tuesday and we saw this post on the reSACkel bag.While we were reading the post on the reSACkel bag we started to think that:

  1. It is very convenient as it is 100% reusable and so we do not need to use plastic bag and contribute to the pollution of the environment.

  2. We also do not need to use plastic bags as now we have to pay money in order to use plastic bag and we save more on Earth resoucres.

  3. I think the reSACKel bag can come in many designs and colours to appeal to the youths of the nation.

  4. It is more durable than plastic and plastic is non-biodegradeble,once we accidently tear it,we cant fix it back to its original state as it will become weaker and plastic takes many years to decompose .while the bag is strong and is able to withstand many things.

  5. It can become a designer items and we can bring it to shopping centers as a fashion item.

6. it is made of plastic and we can easily clean it by using a cloth to wipe it. it is convient . for the people to buy frozen materials and when some of the "ice" melts, it is eas to clean it.


People should use it as it is useful and cames in many designs. It is more durable than normal plastic and people will enjoy using them. It can be used to save money at shopping centers and acts as a bag that can be used at any circumstances.e.g,it matches any design of aunties, going to the market, clothes. It is reused sacks and convert them into colourful new shopping bags. It is also Eco-friendly. it also reduce burning of plastic and reduced landfills. A viewer said "This is an innovative recycling product and congratulations should be passed on to the creator from all consumers of the world. " No chemicals or industrial processes are used to make a reSACKel bag.
The plastic is not shredded, broken down or made into pellets before being turned into another product.
It simply give them a light clean by hand and use the fabric of the bag, including the designs and writing that already exist.
This gives the bags a distinctive look and also makes them very environmentally friendly to manufacture due to the lack of processing. Like the Logo of the reSackel Bags" one bag-three times as friendly." we should encourage the used of the bags.

This are the uses and pros from the website.(http://www.resackel.com/index)

Distinctive – Because we only clean the fabric, your bag still carries all the original designs and text from the sack, this creates an original and distinctive bag. They are also unique as no 2 sacks are exactly alike. Each will have small differences due to its previous life as a rice sack.

Great variety – The sack manufacturers are really working to make their sacks bright and colourful, there are literally thousands of designs out there, it’s just a matter of getting out there and finding them. As a result we have an increasing number of bag designs to choose from, so there is bound to be a design you like.

Constantly changing - The great thing about working with old sacks is you don’t need in house designers dreaming up cool new designs, these are all originals. We continue to source sacks from a variety of suppliers, so the collection is constantly changing.

Exclusive – There are only so many sacks of one design or pattern we can source at any one time, therefore the numbers are going to be limited, unlike new fabric bags where they are mass produced by the hundred thousand.

Collectable – With so many changing designs, you can make sure you have you favourites with you at all times.

Tough - The sacking fabric is designed to carry loads of 25KG and 50KG, depending on the size of the sack, the fabric is incredibly strong and also designed not to tear, so even if you put a hole in your bag, it is not going to get any larger thanks to the woven nature of the fabric.

Wipe clean - plastic sacking is easily cleaned, simply wipe with a damp cloth to remove the majority of dirt and grime. Unlike many cloth bag alternatives, you don’t need to worry about spills or grime ruining your bag.


.Saturday, July 26, 2008 ' 6:25 AM Y
~◘••◘ .and i Can eNDorSe AnyThinG ThrOuGH Me. ◘••◘~

Progress: brochure is complete.

Our slogan: it took quite sometime with some disagreements on the slogan. In the end, we decided on one

" To One, We achieve"

we decided on this slogan because as a group we can achieve many things. It means that even though we are given hard topic to work on, we can work as a team and with teamwork, we can achieve many things and get a good piece of work.

The Problem

During a recent meeting, the School Management board of Holy Innocent's High School gave the green light for the shcool to participate in the Building and Construction Authoriy(BCA) Green Maek Scheme. However, the principal, Miss Soh Lai Leng had tasked Mr. Francis Guei to spearhead this green initiative with the aim of achieving the Green Mark Award. He decided to collaborate with all 2008 secondary 1 Project wok teacher. The project work teachers have givem us the task to design and create a brochure that promote the reduction of the negative impacts on the environment.


.Tuesday, July 1, 2008 ' 6:20 AM Y
~◘••◘ .and i Can eNDorSe AnyThinG ThrOuGH Me. ◘••◘~

Our group is still on the save the earth project work
we still have to the Fila Chat but we finish the " thing" already.This a picture on how we did our work. I only managed to take one. Beaunice and Chester couldn't come so they will be doing the content.

.Monday, June 16, 2008 ' 2:55 AM Y
~◘••◘ .and i Can eNDorSe AnyThinG ThrOuGH Me. ◘••◘~

We still need to do the card. it is either we meet up somewhere or sent information by email/msn.

People in charge of stuff :) :
Girls : card
Boys : presentation on the Card( everyone must present)/ ideas on card

Everything try finish on 20 june..

Adele :)

♥ Adele-Beaunice-Germaine-Chester-Titus ♥

It all Strated by

Holy Innocents High

♣ PInE For ♣

S.H.A.N.T.Y ♫

|| Tie-UP ||

School group--Dilijon♥♥♥
Credits ♥

-=-=-=Please leave the cre dits alone=-=-=-=-=-